Thursday 24 September 2015


 its about TEXTURE AND SPACE. I learned so much about what mdm Ling tell us to do. So, i tell you about what the texture is:

Texture is the element of art that refers to the way things feel, or look as if you could feel if touched (the illusion of touch).

Types of textures

Texture is the character of a surface and is both tactile and visual.
  • Tactile texture is the tactile quality of a surface, such as rough, smooth, sticky, fuzzy, soft or slick. A real texture is one you can actually feel with your hand, such as a piece of sandpaper, a wet glass, or animal fur. It also can be created by an artist by doing a collage.
  • Visual texture is a visual quality of a surface. It is the result from painting or drawing as the real texture.  Visual texture is an illusion of texture created by an artist. Paint can be manipulated to give the impression of texture, while the paper surface remains smooth and flat.   

This four images are examples of Tactile texture:

Two examples of tactile texture: 



Madam Ling told us to go outside and create an artwork based on materials we collected and paste it on a4 Paper. So this is the result after collecting and glued all things and paste on a4 paper

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