Thursday 24 September 2015


Last week Madam Ling introduce us to Gestalt Principle. What is Gestalt Principle? Gestalt Principle is a psychology term which means "unified whole". It refers to theories of visual perception developed by German psychologists in the 1920s. These theories attempt to describe how people tend to organize visual elements into groups or unified wholes when certain principles are applied.

the principle are :



Continuation occurs when the eye is compelled to move through one object and continue to another object


Although the panda above is not complete, enough is present for the eye to complete the shape. When theviewer's perception completes a shapeclosure occurs

The fifteen figures above form a unified whole (the shape of a tree) because of their proximity

In this image, the figure and ground relationships changeas the eye perceives the the form of a shade or the silhouette of a face

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